I was young. I don't know how young, exactly, 20 or 21. This was a time in my life where my id was definitely doing the driving. But, the fun thing about my id is that is has always sort of just been an old woman--like, have the most fun you can have while also being not actually that much fun. I think, though, that I cared less about things beyond the moment I was living in. That moment was what was important and I was always seeking out ways to really live in and love and experience the moment as it was happening. Drinking cheap booze on a Beliot roof top with my friends, pretending to be pirates, was one of those ways.
I can't even say how that entire scenario came about or why we were so into pirates at that point in time. My friend, Captain Spatula, was like a punk rock pirate of sorts. And, having the moniker "Captain Spatula" really sort of just sealed the deal. I think this night, the one that I can picture, where we're sitting on the roof top and listening to punk rock (those are Mest lyrics, aren't they... they are...living the dream, so to speak) and yelling very pirate-like things like "Did ye hear the cannon shots last night" or "Booched" with some "Avasts" and "Scallywags" thrown in for good measure, at passers-by is the night we came up with the rest of our pirate names.
This is something that happened a good decade ago. So, I really just don't remember how many of us were up there and I've probably forgotten most of the pirate names. There was Shoebeard, the Dread Pirate Scoop, Salty Echo and Dencker, who may have, in fact, been allergic to a pirate name. And, really, none of this matters. It's a still frame that exists in my head and I associate the feeling of happiness with that moment on that rooftop.
I'm definitely romanticizing the moment. My life was, and always will be, imperfect. I am a girl who has loved and lost and lived, and that doesn't come without bumps or bruises. But, I remember the happiness I experienced during some of these more outlandish moments in my more formative years.
I think that when people get older, they lose these moments. They lose these feelings, the ones that make day to day life seem worth while. And, I wonder about those people. How do they live? What might their day to day lives be like? And, I think to myself that I never want to be one of those people.
And, this post isn't really about pirates. It's about realizing that you need to take the time to have fun in life. Sometimes that means sacrificing sleep or responsibility. Sometimes it means letting things pile up in your car or not picking up your bedroom as often as you should. Sometimes it means playing tag in public with your friends who are all well into their twenties or thirties or forties. Sometimes it means staying up all night just to spend time with someone you like. But, all of those times, it's worth it. Happiness is worth it. Friendship is worth it. Smiling is worth it. The hangover is worth it.
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